mids.marthandam@gmail.com +91 94861 33390 04651 - 263390

Dalit Movement

Dalit Movement

Dalits are among the poorest and most marginalized communities in the country, facing significant economic and social challenges. They often lack adequate land, housing, food, health care, education, and employment. Social exclusion, indebtedness to moneylenders, and low literacy levels further exacerbate their vulnerability

Community Organization

Dalit forums have been established in 10 target villages within the MIDS operational area. These forums are effective in implementing specific programs for the development of marginalized Dalit families.

Capacity Building

MIDS provides facilitation and guidance to Dalit forum members, enhancing their capacity on various subjects relevant to their development.

Economic Empowerment

Low income is a major issue for most Dalit families. MIDS encourages these families to engage in income-generating activities that are feasible and locally relevant. Financial support and proper guidance are provided to help them initiate and manage these activities successfully

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