mids.marthandam@gmail.com +91 94861 33390 04651 - 263390

Turkey Rearing

Turkey Rearing Programme

Turkey rearing is a viable income generation activity for rural households, offering a steady source of income and nutritional benefits. It plays a significant role in improving the economic status of small and marginal farmers, requiring minimal investment for housing, equipment, and management. Turkey meat and eggs are in high demand in the local area, making turkey rearing a lucrative venture.

Economic Opportunity

Turkey rearing provides a valuable source of income and nutrition for rural households, particularly small and marginal farmers.

Low Investment

Turkeys can be easily reared in free-range or semi-intensive systems with minimal investment in housing and equipment.

Local Demand

There is a great demand for turkey meat and eggs in the local area, creating a lucrative market opportunity for farmers.

Beneficiary Selection

MIDS identified 35 rural households in target villages, with the active involvement of Self-Help Groups, to participate in the turkey rearing programme.

Orientation Programme

Beneficiaries received training and orientation on turkey rearing to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills.


Each family was provided with 10 turkeys to start their rearing activities on February 24, 2023.

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