mids.marthandam@gmail.com +91 94861 33390 04651 - 263390

Honeybee Keeping

Honeybee Keeping

Marthandam has a long tradition of honeybee keeping and honey production, thanks to its favorable agro-climatic conditions. Recognizing honeybee keeping as a viable income-generating activity for resource-poor farmers, including women, youth, and the underemployed, MIDS launched a comprehensive Honeybee Keeping and Honey Production Project to capitalize on the growing demand for honey.


Practical training equipped rural women with essential skills in honeybee keeping and honey production, leading to the successful establishment of honeybee units. 200 individuals received comprehensive training in honeybee keeping and honey production. 220 beneficiaries were provided with Rs. 44,00,000 in financial support to establish honeybee keeping units.

Value Addition

50 women were trained in creating value-added honey products and received initial capital to start their own businesses. 50 beneficiaries were provided with Rs. 5,00,000 in financial support to start value added honey products.

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