Family Enrichment Programme
The family is the cornerstone of society, providing a foundation for the holistic development of its members. However, economic hardships and chronic illness often prevent rural families from thriving. The pressures of a market economy and globalization push these underprivileged families further down the social ladder. These families require continuous motivation, encouragement, and financial support to improve their lives.

MIDS assists 81 families through the Family Enrichment Programme (FEP), supported by generous benefactors from Germany who are committed to sustainable rural development. Here are the key aspects and achievements of the programme:
Support and Development
FEP helps families identify viable income-generating activities and establish business enterprises to secure a steady income.
Annual Premium
Regular house visits are conducted to understand the families' situations and assess their progress.
Effective Management
Programme funds are disbursed annually after a thorough assessment of the beneficiaries' fund utilization proposals.