mids.marthandam@gmail.com +91 94861 33390 04651 - 263390

Training Programmes

Training Programmes

Kolping India - Marthandam Region serves as a nurturing environment for local communities, fostering their active participation in the development process. Members find a sense of belonging and camaraderie within Kolping families, where they can relax, enjoy each other's company, and collaborate for mutual benefit. The interventions of Kolping Marthandam Region have brought about significant and enduring changes in the lives of its primarily marginalized members.


In efforts to help Kolping family members advance in life and gain clarity, seminars are conducted at the family, federation, and district levels. Topics include organic farming, solid waste management, water pollution, and the necessity of toilets. Seminars are also organized periodically to ensure clean health and sanitation, especially for the younger generation.

Kolping Day

October 27 is celebrated annually as Kolping Day to commemorate the beatification of Fr. Adolph Kolping. Leaders and members participate enthusiastically in these celebrations.

Community Engagement

Regular Kolping family meetings uphold the values advocated by Adolf Kolping, promoting solidarity and mutual support among members. The Kolping Diocesan Board strategizes and implements programs for the holistic development of its members.

Capacity Building

Monthly cluster meetings and federation-level gatherings facilitate dialogue on development interventions, fostering collaboration and planning activities to enhance Kolping's impact at the grassroots level. Need-based trainings empower leaders and members with essential skills for socio-economic advancement.

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