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COVID Rehabilitation Project (CRP)

COVID Rehabilitation Project (CRP)

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted livelihoods and employment, particularly impacting women and children. Women have faced job losses, increased domestic work, and strains on physical and mental health, leading to significant socioeconomic challenges. Rural households have struggled to meet basic needs due to reduced employment opportunities and family income.

The COVID Rehabilitation Project (CRP), supported by Save A Family Plan, assists 16 families in starting Small Business Initiatives (SBIs). Key aspects of the project include

Beneficiary Selection

MIDS conducted a thorough selection process to identify the most needy and suitable individuals for assistance.

Detailed Planning

Each beneficiary received a detailed SBI plan, providing clarity and addressing potential shortcomings early on

Financial Support

Initial Disbursement

60% of the funds (Rs. 60,000) were provided to establish essential infrastructure for the SBIs.

Ongoing Support

40% of the funds (Rs. 40,000) were allocated for the regular operation of the SBIs.

The project successfully set up 16 women-headed income-generating activities, enhancing family incomes and serving as a model for other women in the community.

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