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Ockhi Cyclone Relief Activities 2017

Ockhi Cyclone Relief Activities 2017

On November 30, 2017, the Ockhi Cyclone struck Kanyakumari District, causing severe devastation. The cyclone killed 98 lives, uprooted numerous trees, and inflicted extensive damage on vital infrastructure such as electricity and transportation. The ensuing heavy downpour exacerbated the situation, devastating agricultural lands and affecting Kani tribal families living in the interior villages of the district. MIDS, alongside its staff, volunteers, and SelfHelp Group (SHG) members, took swift and effective action to provide relief and support to the affected communities.

Key Initiatives

House Maintenance and Temporary Shelters

Tarpaulin Sheets for Temporary Shelters: Families who lost their homes in the cyclone received highquality tarpaulin sheets to construct temporary shelters. This assistance provided immediate relief and allowed families to resume their agricultural and daily activities.

Temporary Shelters Constructed: 503 tarpaulin sheets were distributed to families for constructing temporary shelters.

Food and Essential Supplies

Distribution of Food Materials: Food kits were provided to 514 families affected by the cyclone, helping them navigate the immediate aftermath of the disaster.

Bulk Purchase and Distribution: Relief materials were bought in bulk from wholesale suppliers, repacked, and distributed under the supervision of MIDS staff and volunteers.

Educational Support

Study Materials for School Children: 524 sets of study materials were distributed to schoolgoing children who lost their educational resources due to the cyclone.

Livelihood Assistance

Support for Livelihoods: Financial assistance was provided to 101 families to help them restart their livelihoods, with specific support from partner agencies.

Monitoring and Followup

PostRelief Monitoring: MIDS staff conducted followup visits to the target communities to ensure the effective use of relief materials and to assess ongoing development needs.

MIDS’s comprehensive relief efforts provided critical support to OckhiCyclone victims, helping them recover from the immediate impacts of the disaster and begin the process of rebuilding their lives.

Summary of OckhiCyclone Relief Activities

Agency House Maintenance Temporary Shelters Food Materials Study Materials Livelihood Assistance
Manos Unidas 48 335 356 434 0
Oeuvre D’Orient 57 0 90 90 0
St. Castricum Helpt Muttathara 5 0 0 8 5
Caritas India 10 168 60 0 35
Kolping India 19 0 0 0 50
All for LifeLife for All 0 0 0 0 11
Total 139 503 514 524 101

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